Something happened this last week that made me the happiest man this side of Thames. It gave me the kind of feeling you get when you just know that the stars have aligned and things are finally in...
Category: Uncategorized
Earlier this week, I got a phone call from my mother. Usually when she calls, I can tell within the first 5 seconds if she’s in a good mood or not. This time was no different- she was calling to...
I tweeted out this video of Jensen Huang (NVidia founder)- he says "have low expectations and expect a lot of pain and suffering to get where you...
My favorite quote is "The only easy day was yesterday". It's something Navy Seals say to each other. This year felt like a twisted, mental version of 'hell week' that those guys undergo in their...
I believe that the following is a big personal transformation arc that people go through (willingly or unwillingly): 1. Go through an adversity alone 2. Learn to be self-reliant 3. Become...
Hey everyone, I promised you all (and mostly myself) that I'd be regular with the 3-Tweet series...and I wasn't. Well-better late than never I guess- so here are 3 of the best tweets I read this...